IRG Action Fighting to Help Overtime Workers Keep More of their Paychecks


January 17, 2024 

IRG Action Fighting to Help Overtime Workers Keep More of their Paychecks

IRG Action Testifying in the Capitol today on Senate Bill 869 

DELAFIELD, WI – IRG Action Fund’s Alex Ignatowski is in the State Capitol today to testify before the Senate Committee on Universities and Revenue on an IRG Action supported proposal, authored by Senator Testin and Representative Gustafson, that helps workers by eliminating taxes on all overtime wages, as well as bonuses (up to $2500).

Ahead of this morning’s hearing, Ignatwoski stated:

“Working families need help, and Senate Bill 869 delivers that help by making overtime pay in Wisconsin tax-free – helping all workers who put in overtime hours take home bigger paychecks. 

With this reform in place, the average manufacturing worker will see $323. Workers in other industries that routinely put in overtime will benefit as well – skilled trades workers, public safety, health care, etc. While we believe that Wisconsin should join states like Florida and Tennessee and eliminate all income taxes – this proposal is a step in that direction – while helping working families right away.”


For questions, please contact IRG Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) advocacy partner to the Institute for Reforming Government.