IRG Action Fund Unveils Nine Ways to Improve Literacy in Wisconsin

Everything You Need to Know as Lawmakers Debate Reading Reform in Madison

Delafield, WI – Today, IRG Action Fund released two new memos that show the need for reading reform in Wisconsin and actionable solutions to get Wisconsin back on track. 25 years ago, Wisconsin was ranked near the top nationally in reading. Sadly, today, Wisconsin’s students have fallen far behind their peers in model states like Mississippi, which completely reformed how they teach reading. IRG Action Fund believes that we can and must do better.

Here are the memos:

Ranking the Options: Nine Ways to Improve Literacy in Wisconsin

Frequently Asked Questions: Improving Literacy in Wisconsin


As the debate over reading reform heats up in Madison, we need to make sure that everyone is up to speed. That is why we are releasing a Frequently Asked Questions memo that answers questions for those who are new to this growing problem.

Identifying the problem is half the battle. Ranking Our Options: Nine Ways to Improve Literacy in Wisconsin provides the solutions. These solutions have been tested and proven to work in states like Mississippi. In 2013, Mississippi was ranked near the bottom in reading. Today, they are near the top and considered by many to be a model of how to improve literacy.


The longer we wait to implement reform in Wisconsin, the more students will continue to fall behind their peers around the country. The ability to read by 3rd grade is a key determinant of success in school. This is evidenced by Mississippi not only seeing huge gains in reading, but in math too. Outcompeting other states in education will attract companies, keep communities strong, and give parents the quality that they deserve. We cannot fall further behind.


Lawmakers in Madison are addressing the issue head on. In this environment, IRG Action Fund is working hard to advocate for the reforms that will improve literacy in Wisconsin. As the debate moves forward in Madison, IRG Action will continue to make the case for the proven policy solutions that we have laid out.